this is not about you. no seriously.
what do you want? what is it, stop complaining nobody cares when you keep your heart in a box. do you want to be happy or sad or misconstrued or fucked up, messed up, whatevers up because they tell you to? aren't you so fucking sick of hearing it already, that you're not good enough and you're not pretty enough and what you say doesn't matter because at the end of the day they want to beat you and screw with you and feed on your failure because they can. they can push you real hard until you fall or break or lose or cry when they are just as scared and lonely as you are and that proving it will make it better and they don't realize that they're digging a hole just as deep. don't you want to be happy and beautiful and accomplished and real and feel things that not many people can feel and that is kind and generous and good. never ever reject or deny your true feelings because this is your life and dont live it for anybody else so do what makes you happy and i promise you that it’s worth every single ounce of disapproval.
i tricked you, so that i could finally move on. god it feels so good. im free.